

13 Mar: Relevancy Tuning in Elastic

KMW hosted the Boston Elasticsearch meetup group, and our own Rudi Seitz gave an in-depth talk about how relevancy works in a search engine. In this post learn about when he covered, including: how scoring is computed, query structure and analysis chains, and approaches to tuning relevancy.


21 Nov: Robotics, Search & AI

KMW Founder, Kevin Watters, gives a talk at the Activate Search & AI conference on using Search as the brain for an open sourced, life-sized, 3D printed, humanoid robot. Of particular interest to the Solr community was the section of this talk highlighting training a Neural Network off of a Solr index in real-time.


08 Jul: The KMW Solr Audit

Customer issues addressed by a KMW Solr Audit Include:
-Cluster instability
-Query throughput and latency issues
-Relevancy issues / poor recall or precision
-Ingestion / index latency concerns
-Planning for a Solr upgrade or major platform update
-Problematic Hardware/cluster sizing and/or scaling issues
-Defunct operational practices