Secure Solr
A licensed version of Apache Solr that KMW maintains for the purposes of remediating known CVEs.
Companies using Solr need guarantees around its security in order to meet information security mandates.
A support team of search experts is available to handle new critical vulnerabilities.
SLAs can be tailored to meet the needs of individual customers.
Application development teams can stay focused on their core jobs, not patching Solr.

The Problem
Solr is a world class search engine but is fully reliant on the open-source community to patch CVEs with no guaranteed SLA.
- Information security vulnerabilities (CVEs) are increasing globally.
- Creating exploits for newly released CVEs is becoming easier.
- Older versions of Solr are no longer supported by the community. There are no longer any planned releases for the Solr 8.x branch.
- Companies love using Solr but need guarantees around its security in order to meet information security mandates.
The Secure Solr Offering
A licensed version of Apache Solr that KMW maintains for the purposes of remediating known CVEs.
A support team of search experts are available to handle new critical vulnerabilities.
SLAs can be tailored to meet the needs of individual customers.
The Benefits
Allows companies to remain in InfoSec compliant.
Enables companies to stay on a version of Solr and upgrade when they are ready.
Application development teams can stay focused on their core jobs, not patching Solr.
How it Works
Secure Solr customers receive access to a private Solr repo owned and maintained by KMW.
As new vulnerabilities are found, updates and patches are applied and available via the private repo.
KMW support personnel are available for issues and questions regarding the latest changes.